Our homeschooling journey began in September 2008. We welcome you to join us as we venture over a new path in our life! We're all learning together, exploring, experiencing, and having a blast along the way! Track our educational expedition from the very beginning and watch as we transform this experience into a new way of life for our family!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hope? Nope!

OK, so I (almost) promise not to (maybe) turn this into a (kinda) political blog. Perhaps.

That said (and dismissed), tomorrow is the last day in many states to register to vote via absentee ballot, or register to vote at all. This is a historic election in our Nation - no matter the outcome, it will make history. It's very important, possibly more important than ever before, to register - and VOTE!

The two candidates running for office (speaking specifically of the democratic and republican nominees) are as different as night and day, and you can bet our country will be run as such after one of them is voted into office on November 4.

Our family is a Christian family, and we fall on the (conservative) Republican side of the fence. And while I don't typically consider myself a very 'political' person, I DO sit up and take notice when I see or hear things that are just [absolutely] wrong.

That brings me to Obama. Barack Hussein Obama. The democratic hopeful. He stands for 'change' (although what SPECIFICALLY he plans to 'change,' no one knows). He claims to be taking a stand against racism (though many would say he, himself, is racist). He is an accomplished senator (but whether those 'accomplishments' are negative or positive depends on your perspective and interpretation - read on). Good luck with that.

I'm a firm believer that the media, primarily liberal, is extremely biased. I also believe the media is doing a fantastic job of convincing people that Obama is a saint (anti-Christ, anyone?). Everyone has something great to say about him, from political analysts to celebrities to YouTubers with home video cameras spilling their heart out for the whole world to see. Even the tabloids, commonly focused on the impending return of Christ in the year 20xx and celebrity "oops" and "aahs," have stooped to the (shocking!) level of...yep...deceiving the public. *sigh*

But before you run to the polls on Nov 4th, please take a minute (or two....heck, even three??) to read/watch on. Use caution when making your selection at the polls.... we'll be stuck with whoever we choose for at least 4 years. No take-backs or do-overs or "psyche!" moments allowed.

If Obama becomes President...

If Obama becomes President 2...

Obama's Family Ties to Radical Islam...

Interesting thoughts... Anti-Christ & Radical Terrorist ties...

Obama Throws Flower at 9/11 Memorial...

Obama's views on Sex-Ed...

Who Is Causing the Division?...

Dr. James Dobson's (from Focus on the Family) views on Obama...

Obama's views on God-fearing Christians & the Bible...

Obama's stance on gang murders...

Out of his own mouth...

From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself , the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, we cannot turn ourselves over to this type of character in a President.

Some Obama-Facts for you to ponder (why not grab some popcorn and we'll just make a night of it!)...

  • Obama's proposed budget is 60% larger than any one year federal spending increase, ever.

  • Obama opposes offshore drilling to reduce gas prices.

  • Obama kept infanticide legal in Chicago by opposing the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

  • While in the Illinois Senate, Obama simply voted "present" more than 100 times.

  • Obama had only been sworn in as a U.S. Senator for 143 days before he launched his Presidential Exploratory Committee.

  • If elected, Obama has stated that he will, without precondition, meet with Nations that sponsor terrorism.

  • Obama has told reporters that he would not wear the American flag pin.

  • Obama has been supported by, been friends with and served on the Woods Fund beside Bill Ayers, an unrepentant domestic terrorist who helped bomb government buildings in the 1970's and made inflammatory anti-American statements in the wake of 9/11.

  • Obama has been praised by Fidel Castro.

  • FARC Terrorist Communiques revealed that they all hoped Obama would win the Presidential Race.

  • Obama has been officially endorsed by North Korea's Kim Jong Il.

  • Obama has been officially endorsed by the terrorist organization Hamas.

  • Obama states in his book The Audacity Of Hope that he attended a muslim school in Indonesia.

  • Obama's mother was a Caucasian Agnostic.

  • Obama's father was a Kenyan Muslim.

  • Obama's stepfather was an Indonesian Muslim.

  • Obama's half-brother Obongo is a Muslim.

  • Obama traveled to Kenya to support relative Raila Odinga's bid for the Presidency. When Odinga lost, his supporters murdered hundreds and burned down a church full of women and children.

  • Obama claims to be a Christian.

  • During the Democratic primaries, Obama publicly referred to faith as a crutch for "bitter" people.

  • Obama sat under the teaching of Rev. Jeremiah Wright for over 20 years. Wright also married Obama and his wife and baptized his children.

  • Rev. Wright published articles written by Hamas militants in the church bulletin, implied that America brought on 9/11, claimed that the government created HIV as a weapon to be used against the black community and shouted "God Damn America!" from the pulpit.

  • Obama's key slogan is "Change You Can Believe In."

  • As a Senator, Obama wrote letters to officials, supporting his patron Tony Rezko's bid to get $14 million from taxpayers to build apartments.

  • Tony Rezko raised $250,000 for Obama's campaign before he was convicted on 16 counts of bribery and fraud.

  • Obama has repeatedly made false statements about his family history.

  • Referring to Obama's candidacy, Obama's wife Michelle stated, "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country."

As quoted on http://www.nohussein.org/:

November 8, 2004. Barack Obama had just been sworn in as a U.S. Senator for Illinois, and in an interview with CNN, he was asked why he had ruled out running for President in 2008. The newly elected Senator explained, "I am a believer in knowing what you're doing when you apply for a job."

Shortly Thereafter, Barack Hussein Obama changed his mind and felt like he knew what he was doing after all. He began building his presidential campaign. Like any job, applicants must present a resume to prove their experience, especially when the job in question affects the lives of everyone on the planet.

Obama launched his Presidential Exploratory Committee after 143 days in office as a U.S. Senator. John McCain launched his Committee after 26 years of service in the Senate, not to mention 22 years of military service. As the CEO's
of America, which candidate seems more qualified to you?

"Change? Oh, let me tell you about Obama's 'change.' It's also known as 'I don't know what I'm doing and that's a plus!' Perhaps Obama was trying to bring 'change' to Washington when he voted 'present' more than 100 times in the U.S. Senate. Apparently, voting 'yes' or 'no' on a bill is part of 'the old politics of Washington.' He also missed 259 of 1,231 votes since January 0f 2005. That's 21% of the votes, people! Apparently, attendance is also a 'failed policy of the past,' which just might be Obama's all-time favorite catch-phrase. But what would happen if any of us missed 21% of our shifts at work? We'd get fired, right? Not Obama! Nope. This guy thinks the company should make him CEO!" - quote from Molotov Mitchell

Now this one I find personal. As a mother of 3, I can't even begin to fathom how ANYONE would find this acceptable. I'm speaking about Obama's pet project, the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. I could go on and on about this one for days, but I'll let some of the following links and info do the bulk of the talking for me.

The following comes from Pro-Life Pulse - Jill Stanek's website:

-- Barack Obama opposed legislation as IL state senator to protect abortion survivors from being shelved to die:
-- Barack Obama thinks partial birth abortion is a "legitimate medical procedure":
-- Barack Obama opposes parental notification of minor girls before they abort:
-- Barack Obama has satted "the first thing I'd do as president" would be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which would overturn every local, state, and federal abortion law passed in the last 35 years:
You can view Jill Stanek's discussion with Bill O'Reilly (she rendered him SPEECHLESS!) below:

Jill Stanek talks about her experience with live birth abortion - you don't want to miss this one.

Thanks to Christian Worldview Network for this article, outlining the "Muslim Fingerprints in Obama's History". Remember Obama claiming he was Christian? Read here where he has unintentionally spoken to the contrary, even claiming that 'blasphemy' is one of "the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset." Nice. Flip-flop, anyone? Do you know who really supports this man, praying (to Allah, mind you) that he will become the next President of the United States?

I heard about this little video from my mom (*waves*) - Newt Gingrich was asked by a (presumably liberal) reporter to comment on Sarah Palin's resume. It took him about 45 seconds to make the reporter eat his words and transfer the video back to the newsroom. Heh....gotta love those smooth thinkers! ;)

Another little tidbit from NoHussein.org:
Despite his public statement that religion is a crutch for "bitter" people, Barack Hussein Obama claims to be a Christian. Is this a ruse to win Evangelicals or is he sincere?

Obama consistently associates with slumlords, terrorists, racists, and other people of ill repute.

In closing, I have one last video, courtesy of Lorne Baxter:

Please tell me, why...WHY...would we want this man to be in charge of our nation!? To make decisions on our behalf!? Barack Hussein Obama does not have the best interests of our nation at heart. Obama denies knowledge of illegal or offensive involvement from those he has chosen to associate with. So he's either lying, or he's blissfully ignorant about the people he deals with. Neither speak well of a Presidential hopeful.

So no thanks. He can keep the 'change.' Our family is voting for McCain/Palin this year.